21,000 on-chain collectible words, unique in color and design but not in word, minted on the ERC-721 standard. None of the artworks are exactly alike, and anyone interacting with the Ethereum blockchain can mint and collect them. The tokens can become fully on-chain (with their image). Once the on-chaining is approved, the metadata will also be frozen. Further, they are readable in PFP sizes and support the rental standard.

Contract OpenSea (Soon)

How much is the minting price?

The minting price will start from zero and increase depending on the total supply and token rarity.

When is public mint started?

Public mint will be started after the NFTWord decentralized app is published. Stay tuned to our communication channels.

Can I interact with the contract directly, e.g. for mint?

As tokens in this collection are on-chain, you must pack and submit data with the correct configuration when you mint a token. The submitted data has a two-step verification that will automatically process by NFTWord dApp. Any interaction with the contract outside the dApp will not be processed, and your tokens do not have URI, so they don't have any public data that can be seen. Be aware of losing money.